Wednesday, August 15, 2007

greeting cards

I love greeting cards. I've always saved cards that were given to me by friends family members. I'm sure most of them are long gone, but I've always saved them. I used to shop for hours in the Hallmark section of the book store before they turned it into a Planet Fitness. (I should probably still spend a few hours there...) I never really put any thought into my love for greeting cards until recently. I think it may have been sparked by this card, given to me by my dear friend Cate for my birthday a few years ago:

Is that not hilarious? Inside it says "Get down with your bad self.... and have a happy birthday". I think it's just great.

I have this one near my desk:

it's pretty and inspirational.... and it matches the color of my wall beautifully

I just purchased this one made by brezomayo and I can't wait for it to get here!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to part with it, but you never know.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

that first card it too funny!!